Do you find yourself FEELING things like:
- Lonely
- Different
- Overwhelmed
- Discouraged
- Anxious
- Numb
- Drained from social interactions
- Guilty
- Resentful
- Like you're "performing" in social situations, even with close friends
- Indecisive
- Inferior
- Like you don't belong
- Criticized
- Overlooked
- Stressed
- Uncomfortable/frustrated when your routine is interrupted
- Judged
- Pressured
- Worried
- Misunderstood
- Drained
- Disregarded
- Incompetent
- Unappreciated
- Defensive
Do you find yourself DOING things like:
- Saying “yes” when you really want to say no
- Avoiding Conflicts
- Trying to make sure everyone likes you
- Avoiding things/people/places that bring up uncomfortable/traumatic memories
- Forcing yourself to make eye contact with others
- Over-analyzing things
- Staying busy to avoid certain feelings
- Avoiding mistakes
- Noticing patterns in things
- Smiling and pretending everything is ok when it isn’t
- Second guessing yourself
- Monitoring your body language and/or expressions so that you appear interested in what others are saying
- trying to figure out if someone is upset with you and why
- Over-reacting
- Mentally living in the future and/or the past, more than you do in the moment
- Getting frustrated with others because they aren’t putting in enough effort or doing it right
Do you find yourself THINKING things like:
- I’m tired of feeling like I don’t fit in
- I wish I had more confidence
- If I let people get to know the real me, they’d leave me/reject me/be disgusted
- When “x” is finished, then I can relax/stop worrying/be happy
- I wish I could stop thinking about/remembering “X”
- Why are things easier for everyone else?
- When I lay down at night, I can’t fall asleep because I can’t turn my brain off
- What is wrong with me?
- Why do people take so long to get to the point?